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MAXSA Innovations 25526 Headrest Twin Hanger

$6.39 $7.99

Keeps shopping bags, coats, handbags, umbrellas, takeout food, etc. off the car floor to reduce clutter and keep items close at hand; Each hook holds up to 5 lbs. for a total of 10 lbs. of holding power; Attaches to any headrest with twin posts that are .5

SKU: RYY96990183 Category:

Keeps shopping bags, coats, handbags, umbrellas, takeout food, etc. off the car floor to reduce clutter and keep items close at hand; Each hook holds up to 5 lbs. for a total of 10 lbs. of holding power; Attaches to any headrest with twin posts that are .5 in. in diameter or smaller; 90-day limited warranty;


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