La Crosse Technology WS-9133T-IT-CBP Titanium Wireless Forecast Station RYY96990931
Weather forecasting function with 3 weather icons & weather tendency indicator ; Wireless outdoor temperature range: -39.8deg F-139.8deg F (-39.9?C-59.9?C) ; Indoor temperature range: 14.2?F-99.9?F (-9.9?C-37.8?C) ; Min/max value of indoor & outdoo
Weather forecasting function with 3 weather icons & weather tendency indicator ; Wireless outdoor temperature range: -39.8deg F-139.8deg F (-39.9?C-59.9?C) ; Indoor temperature range: 14.2?F-99.9?F (-9.9?C-37.8?C) ; Min/max value of indoor & outdoor temperature ; Barometric tendency arrow ; 12-/24-hour time display ; Manual time & date ; Time alarm with snooze ; Low battery indicator ; Wall hanging or freestanding ; Foldout stand ; Transmission range: up to 330ft ; Receiver requires 3 AA alkaline batteries ; Wireless sensor requires 2 AA alkaline batteries ; Includes TX37U-IT Wireless Outdoor Temperature Sensor;
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